Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When One Thing Leads To Another

(Legal stuff:  All images are copywritten by the artist, Robbin Neff, and free for the viewing only.  To order prints at very affordable prices, please contact the artist at robbin.colors@yahoo.com for a quote on the size and substrate of your choice.  All shipping handling will be added, as size, weight, destination and insurances are variable.)

Sometimes one thing just leads to another.  I was trying to download some images of what I have been playing with creating over the past week.  While editing, the results became so fun in itself, I spent more time in Photoshop than creating more.  It was fun, but I want to make time for painting today too.  And laundry.  And floors.  And....

Anyway, here is how far I have gotten.  Let me know what you like.  I would love to hear your comments.

Some images have multiple variations following the original. 

Some are the variation. 

Some are the original.

Blue Moon Original

I love the texture of the moon.  However, this is a colored doodle, 2.5x3", called an ATC.  The inspirations for the doodle included lace doilies, Mexican and Italian ceramic serviceware, and of course, the Universe. 

Circles and repition are wonderful design component basics.   Take a look at the variations in color next.

New design elements are now introduced along with color variations.  Try changing just those two things in a new creation, and see something new in your own creations.

I love blue, so now the piece has come full circle literally and figuratively.  Now, does the viewer like this series?  I shall wait and see.


I am making cards with images of my paintings on them.  This is one.  They are available under the card line Hairy Legs and Knobby Knees.  See more of my cards at www.HairyLegsandKnobbyKnees.blogspot.com.

This is called On Top, another ATC, 2.5x3".  It looks better digitally edited.  Here are a variety of colors.

Ahhh, this is one of my favorites.  It is called Playing Through the UniverseThe variations you see here are some of my favorites also, especially the slips of the image.  So, should the narrow images be called Slipping Through the Universe?  The title change is getting my serious consideration for the slip edits.

 (sorry the focus is off)

(This and the following paragraphs refuse to justify, regardless of attempts.  Please excuse, and consider them justified.  I do like consistency in some places.)

I love the background editing of this piece.  The flowers are so dynamic, they changed the photo editing into a fine art piece.  If this piece were printed full size, it would measure about 45x50".  Here are two color ways to look at the same photo.  Again, these are favorites too.

The original image is of an art quilt I made, called Where Water Comes From.  This is a Hairy Legs + Knobby Knees card, and a bit out of focus.  (Sometimes they just will not cooperate.  It won't stop me.)

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